


對於表演空間的想像- What we imaggine


We hope the Space is small and clever but imaginary. For the imagination of space, we hope that it is not restricted. Our space is usually used in practicing for music, strings quartet or rehearsing, sharing, small music performances, violin workshops, tea parties, private Small gatherings, sometimes a group of people yoga together, or you can have a better life imagination than us.

場地介紹 Introduce for Space

我們位於台北市,大同區,鬧中取靜,這是一個自由空間,我們有著舞台的規格,可以容納20-30個位子的空間,整層空間約莫25坪可供使用,我們替演出者設立了一個獨立的後台空間做演出準備、一個小小的招待室(Watting room)可作為交流或是成列商品,有另一部分一台 PETROF佩卓夫鋼琴 ,以及高速網路。


We are located in Datong District, Taipei City. It is a free space. We have a stage specification and can accommodate 20-30 seats. The whole floor space is about 82.645 square meter. We set up for the performers. A separate backstage space for performance preparation, a small Waiting room for communication or listing, another part of a PETROF piano, and a high-speed Internet.

As for the traffic information: there are parking lots around, and on-street parking spaces. Our studio is about 7 minutes walk from Daqiaotou Station and Yuanshan MRT Station. There is a bus stop to the MRT station, and the National Highway No. 1 is Chongqing. There are all the north and south exits of the interchange, about 10 minutes by car.

There is our floor plan below


場地租借聯絡與注意事項 Contact us & Booking

如果你需要短暫時間的場地租借使用、小型音樂會舉辦、茶會舉辦、產品發表、瑜珈場地、攝影場地租借,戲劇排練,合奏教室,音樂教室拍攝,開設個人工坊 個人練習空間出租、我們提供ㄧ日出租、半天或是幾個小時需求、長期空間出租。歡迎洽談,現在開放場地出租Space Rental 預約,歡迎洽詢,以及詢價,請先在這預約想要的日期及時段,並留下演出形式或是需求。也歡迎各種長期合作。

If you need a short space to use, for small concerts, tea parties, product announcements, yoga spaces, personal use, we offer a day of rent, half a day or just a few hours of demand, regular space rental. Welcome to contact us please we are allow to booking. please click here

If you have any question or cooperate, email us please viastreingedstudio@gmail.com or leave message here

場地租借 台北 小型場地租借,鋼琴場地租借,弦樂排練,合奏教室 租借。瑜珈練習空間
台北 場地租借,小型空間,藝術空間,工作坊場地
演出空間 space for rental
場地租借 音樂會場地,鋼琴教室,演出空間,攝影場地,植栽空間,台北場地租借,台北小場地租借。
音樂會演出場地space for rental
場地租借 台北瑜珈場地,瑜珈練習場地,瑜珈空間 租借,瑜珈場地出租。
瑜珈場地 Yoga space
Christmas 聖誕節企劃,如需場地佈置請聯絡我們
合奏場地租借,台北 音樂教室
violin work shop 小提琴手作工坊

場地出租Space Rental

現在開放 場地租借 預約,歡迎洽詢,以及詢價,填寫的日期及時段,並留下演出形式或是需求。也歡迎各種長期合作


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